Author: Nathan Montgomery

Romance and Representation: A Review of Crazy Rich Asians

Crazy Rich Asians released last week in theaters. The film earned the number one spot at the domestic box office two weekends in row. Attendance dropped only 6% in the…

Crazy Rich Asians released last week in theaters. The film earned the number one spot at the domestic box office two weekends in row. Attendance dropped only 6% in the second weekend, something that is nearly unprecedented in films. It is the first major studio film set in a contemporary setting to feature an all-Asian cast in the last 25 years. The last film being The Joy Luck Club. Crazy Rich Asians is a romantic comedy based on a best-selling novel by Kevin Kwan, and is helmed by director, Jon C. Chu. It stars Constance Wu, Henry Golding, and Michelle Yeoh. The entire cast is fantastic in this film. Remarkably this is Henry Golding’s first feature film, but he gives a wonderfully charming performance as Nick Young.

The story follows Rachel Chu (Constance Wu), a young successful Chinese-American economics professor who has been dating for a year the charming Nick Young. Unbeknownst to Rachel, Nick Young is the heir-apparent to the insanely rich Young family of Singapore. When Nick invites Rachel to attend a wedding with him in Singapore to meet his family the hijinks ensue.
Crazy Rich Asians is an excellent romantic comedy. Both leads are instantly likeably, and share a fantastic chemistry. I found the movie to be hilarious. I was surprised at the depth at which it tackled issues of race, class, and cultural differences between Asian-Americans and Mainland-Asians. These all combine to create a warmly funny and moving film. I highly recommend Crazy Rich Asians to those who love a good romantic comedy, and encourage you to see it on the big screen if you can.

In Defense of Romantic Comedies

Some might wonder what biblical truth one could possibly pull from a romantic comedy such as Crazy Rich Asians. I firmly believe that Crazy Rich Asians could be a significant cultural event. There is more than I possibly write about in one small review so I will only highlight a few thoughts.
Romantic Comedies had seemingly fallen out of favor with audiences, but recently they have making a comeback primarily through streaming services such as Netflix. I personally have a deep affection for Rom Coms such as When Harry Met Sally and While You Were Sleeping to name a few. With the success of Crazy Rich Asians I hope this means we will see an increase in good Romantic Comedies on the big screen.

One often spouted critique of romantic comedies is that they are cliché. However, I find this critique to be misguided. When we think about the nature of Story in general we find that all stories follow basic patterns and archetypes. If it was the simple story beats of a romantic comedy that made them bad, then they would not tap into our desires, nor would there be an audience for such films. Now for sure there are many bad romantic comedies, just as there are many bad dramas. How the story is executed defines what makes a good film from a bad film.
We are drawn to the retelling of these familiar stories because we all bear the image of God. Romantic comedies like Crazy Rich Asians also reveal something about us as human beings: we all long to love and to be loved by someone. We all desire complete trust and intimacy with others. This is why we are so taken by films like Crazy Rich Asians. We all want to believe that we can find someone who will love us as we are.

This desire for love is universal. Crazy Rich Asians demonstrates that it does not matter what your race, class, sex, cultural background, or country of origin is; we all love to be loved and to love. We are all bearers of the Imago Dei and we are all beautiful in the eyes of God. We are all valuable. In the great metanarrative of Scripture we see this longing portrayed. Once we were in perfect loving relationship with God and each other, than sin entered the world and relationships were broken. We have lost the perfect intimacy and love that we so desire. The Gospel story is in this sense an epic romance, where God pursues those that he loves. We are so undeserving of his love yet God gives his love freely to us.

Furthermore, Crazy Rich Asians demonstrates the power of representation. One does not have look very hard online to see the impact this is having on the Asian-American community. The film shines a light on the beauty of Asian faces. One cannot underestimate the power of seeing someone like yourself being displayed as beautiful and valuable.
And if one should doubt that representation matters, let us be reminded, “the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.” Humanity became infinitely more valuable when Jesus who was fully God took on humanity. Jesus lovingly left his heavenly throne and descended to earth to become our representative to God the Father; “For we do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who has been tempted in every way as we are, yet without sin. Therefore, let us approach the throne of grace with boldness, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in time of need” (Hebrews 4:15-16).

Crazy Rich Asians points us toward the truths that all people regardless of race are intrinsically valuable because they are image bearers. It reminds us that there is power in being represented. It reminds us that we all long to love and be loved. This deep desire of our hearts is most fully fulfilled in life and death of Jesus Christ who became like us, so that we might become sons and daughters of God. And one day in heaven there will be a beautiful diversity of people of every tongue and every race praising God together. What a glorious day that will be we those who know the Lord will have the deepest longing of their hearts satisfied.

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A Spark of Hope: The Last Jedi Review

This is the most spiritual of any Star Wars film. Luke Skywalker even refers to “the Jedi religion” (a term not used since A New Hope). There are many things one could discuss from The Last Jedi, but at its heart it is about restoring lost faith and the rekindling hope in the midst of despair.

Last Jedi is not a perfect film, but it is truly great at times. It is the most visually beautiful Star Wars film we have ever seen. It has one of the best space battles and one of the best lightsaber battles of any Star Wars film. It is thematically rich and gives strong interesting character arcs to Luke, Rey, and Kylo. Kylo/Ben Solo is one of the most interesting villains I have seen on screen in the last decade. The Last Jedi features some of the best acting of any Star Wars film as well. Adam Driver gives a mesmerizing performance as Ben Solo. Mark Hamill and Daisy Ridley also give very strong performance. I cannot recommend The Last Jedi enough. Some do not appreciate what Rian Johnson did with Luke’s story, but I think it is a magnificent end to such a great hero. I highly recommend The Last Jedi. It is a remarkable Star Wars film, that is both a true Star Wars film, and surprisingly new.

Spoilers follow….

This is the most spiritual of any Star Wars film. Luke Skywalker even refers to “the Jedi religion” (a term not used since A New Hope). There are many things one could discuss from The Last Jedi, but at its heart it is about restoring lost faith and the rekindling hope in the midst of despair.

In the iconic opening crawl, we read in bold yellow script the Resistance is waiting for Luke Skywalker to “return and restore a spark of hope to the fight.” Evil has arisen again. Hope is dwindling. The galaxy is need of something to rekindle hope. Rey goes in search of this hope, but instead of finding Luke, mighty legend, she found a broken man of lost faith.


Luke Skywalker is a man adrift. In a moment of weakness, Luke had contemplated killing his nephew, Ben Solo because he could see the potential of great evil in Ben. Luke ultimately did not give into the temptation, but by simply lighting his lightsaber he set off a chain of events wherein, Ben Solo went over to the dark side and Luke’s other students were killed or joined Ben. Luke had failed himself, his sister, his best friend, his nephew, his students, and the galaxy. His failure led him to despair. He lost faith in the Jedi way and walked away from it all.

Rey begs for Luke to return to the fight. In brilliant foreshadowing Luke ask Rey, what she expects of him, “To show up with a laser sword and face the entire First Order” (the exact thing Luke does at the end of the film). Luke does not think the galaxy needs him anymore, but Rey wisely says they still need a legend.

Later in the film at the moment where all hope seems lost (Leah actually says hope is gone), Luke Skywalker walks into the room. Luke after his time with Rey and some counseling from an old friend, has his faith restored. He will not be the last Jedi. They will continue through Rey. Luke confronts Ben Solo and the First Order to provide time for the Resistance (should we call them Rebels now?) to escape.

In confronting Ben and the First Order, Luke becomes a legend once again. He is the spark that rekindles hope in the galaxy, as is wonderfully shown through the kids telling the story of Luke Skywalker at the end of movie. In a powerful display of the force, Luke sacrifices his life to save the Resistance, Leah, and Rey. In Luke’s final act of sacrifice he has become greater than he was before, and he has brought hope to a galaxy in desperate need of it.

Why would Rian Johnson tell this story? Why do so many respond to this message of hope in the face of despair? We live in a world full of darkness. We hear wars and rumor of wars; racism, natural disasters, and oppression seem to abound.

The world is in desperate need of hope. 2017 was a very difficult year for many people. Despair is on the rise, and all seems lost.

In his essay On Fairy-Stories Tolkien introduces the term eucatastrophe which is a sudden unexpected turn to joy in a story. When Luke arrives at the old Rebel base, The Last Jedi experiences eucatastrophe. All is hope seems lost, but then an unexpected change comes in the story. Luke comes, saves the Resistance, faces the New Order and brings hope to the galaxy. In a same manner the history of humanity has its own moment of eucatastrophe in the arrival of Jesus Christ.

In the epilogue of his essay On Fairy-Stories Tolkien argues that the Incarnation is the eucatastrophe of mankind’s history, and the Resurrection is the eucatastrophe of the Incarnation. When all seemed lost, Jesus the hero of our story has stepped in and conquered evil and the grave for us so that we might have life, light, and hope. I believe as Tolkien believed that Christians should never live in despair, because despair is the absence of all hope, but in Christ we always have a hope no matter how dark things may seem. Our story has already unexpectedly turned to joy.

There is much more one could discuss about The Last Jedi and its themes of hope, faith, and love. However, I will end with two of my favorite lines from the film which beautifully capture the heart of the film.

“Hope is like the sun. If you only believe it when you see it you’ll never make it through the night.”

“We’re going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love.”


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Stranger Things 2 Review

Season 2 has arrived and the gang is back with an all new adventure taking place roughly a year after the events of the last season.

In the summer of 2016 Stranger Things captivated the world. The show broke out like a wildfire, to become one of Netflix’s best critically and commercially received series. The first episode of Season 2 had 15.8 million households watch it on television. That is the second most watched event for this entire year.

In case you somehow missed the world wide phenomenon, the Netflix original series beautifully combined a Spielberg kid adventure film, with a Stephen King novel, and a John Carpenter film. Oh, and if that isn’t enough to sell you on Stranger Things, the series is set the 80’s. The nostalgia is strong with this one. If you haven’t seen the first, quit reading this review, and go binge watch 14 hours and 10 minutes of excellent television, and then return.

Season 2 has arrived and the gang is back with an all new adventure taking place roughly a year after the events of the last season.  Season 2 is a very different animal from Season 1 in some ways (clearly a larger budget, different tone, larger expanded world), but it still contains much of the charm of the first season (80s setting, great cast of child characters, mystery, monsters). There will probably be some debate on which season is better. For my money, I give the slight edge to Season 1, but in no way is this a knock against Season 2. Stranger Things Season 2 is still fantastic, immensely enjoyable television.

Season 2 had an impossible task of not only capturing the greatness of the first season, but also expanding on the world in new ways at the same time. So many movies and shows fail in a sequel. Happily, Season 2 is a resounding success. It is clearly still a Stranger Things show, all the core cast is back, and just as good as the previous season. The Duffer Brothers manage to build on the world of Season 1 in organic ways that enhance the story and characters. Personally, I would have enjoyed for Eleven to spend more time with the group, and for Mike to have more of a center stage still in this season.

That being said, Stranger things gave us great new pairings in Lucas and Max, and Steve and Dustin. I would watch a spin-off of the Steve and Dustin Paranormal Adventures in a heartbeat. It also has a break out performance given by Noah Schnapp who plays Will. This series is chalk full of great performance from all of the child actors, to veteran actors such as Sean Astin, who brings great depth to Bob, a character that would have otherwise been a throw away character.

Netflix has again provided a stellar season of television. Season 2 of Stranger Things is a worthy successor to the first season and therefore I highly recommend it.

Spoilers follow….


Season 2 wisely does not ignore the trauma characters experience from the events of Season 1. The fallout of Season 1, provides the impetus for much of Season 2’s character arcs. Joyce is recovering from the trauma of almost losing her son Will, she cannot bear to let him out of her sight. Will in turn is suffering from the effects of being stuck in the Upside Down place. Mike listens every day for lost Eleven to speak through the walkie talkie. Nancy struggles continuing the façade of being a normal high school student, death of her friend Barb. Hopper in caring for Eleven is dealing with the loss of his dead daughter.

Stranger Things does not shy away from this trauma, but uses it to mold the characters in new directions. In the end all the characters recover from their trauma through the love and care of others. Nancy discovers her strength and seeks justice for her friend Barb. Joyce’s sheer determination gives her strength to save her son. Hopper finds restoration in caring for Eleven. Mike and Eleven are finally reunited. There are monsters in this world, and every day people suffer through trauma brought about by a fallen world filled with death and despair. The Church is in positon with the resources to meet these needs. We have a hope in Jesus, that all wrongs will one day be righted, all tears will be dried. The Gospel provides hope and peace to those in needs. Jesus is able to cut through even the deepest trauma to restore people.

For much of Season 2 Eleven (I guess I should start calling her Jane now) is separated from the group. While I longed for her to be with the others more in the story, her separation created a fascinating character arc. Jane is alone and scared, angry and sad. She is a girl in search of a home. The theme of home often in Jane’s story line. Hopper tells Jane she is home at the cabin. Later Jane is told she can be home at her mother’s place. In episode 7 Jane discovers another girl with powers; sister of sorts. Eight tells Jane that is at home with Eight. At the end of the episode Jane realizes that home is where her loved ones are. Home is with Hopper, Mike, and the rest. Jane’s reunion with the group was captured beautifully. With Dustin, Lucas, Mike, Joyce, and Hopper, Jane had found what she longed for; a home, a community, love, and acceptance.

Stranger Things is at its best when it focuses on the kids and their relationships with each other. The kids have a strongly defined community. Those of the group share mutual love and respect for each other. They follow several simple rules, two of the foremost being friends don’t tell lies and friends always keep promises. This authentic honesty and faithfulness to each other fosters a community of children who truly love each other. Furthermore, each kid is willing to sacrifice their lives for the other. They truly bear each other’s burdens. They are known by the love they have for one another.

Stranger Things Kids

The Stranger Things kids mirror what the Church should be; a community of authentic followers who are known by the sacrificial love they have for one another, and a willingness to bear one another’s burdens. When they children fail to follow the guidelines of honesty and love, the community suffers. It is only when each member of the group is working together using their various gifts and strengths that the group is able to overcome the newest threat. In the same way the group needed each individual, so too does the Church need each member of its body.

One of the main themes of Stranger Things is that there exists a parallel world know as the Upside Down place. The Upside Down is dark and cold, twisted and decaying. It spreads like a choking weed or a virus. The Upside Down is ruled by a malevolent force (the smoke monster) which desires to conqueror and corrupt the normal world. I cannot help but see the Upside Down place as a representative of the world we now live in post Eden. Eden, the idyllic paradise and home was lost with the fall of Adam. We were corrupted, creation was cursed, and we were exiled from our home. The world is now full of evil, twisted and cold, dark and decayed. Sin has infected everything like a diseased choking weed. The world was turned upside down.

All of creation groans for restoration. Much like Will in season 1 we are trapped in the Upside Down Place. This is something we all intuitively feel. We know that there is something terrible wrong with this world. We feel the malevolence, the darkness and the cold. Christianity offers hope that the Upside Down world will be restored and redeemed. God descended down to this upside down place in the person of Jesus Christ; the light in the darkness. Only in Jesus is an upside down place turned upside right. This is the Gospel that Christ will reverse the effects of sin and death, he will restore creation, and he will rescue those who put their trust in him. God has determined to use his Church as the means of rescuing people from the upside down place. We have the cure to the twisted virus that has infected the hearts of people. That cure is Jesus who has conquered the grave. Christians are called to be a light who shines through the darkness of this upside down world; pointing lost souls to the one who can return them home.

“The Stranger Things kids mirror what the Church should be; a community of authentic followers who are known by the sacrificial love they have for one another, and a willingness to bear one another’s burdens.”


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Running Towards Reality: A Review of Blade Runner 2049

I was delighted to find that Villeneuve delivered a worthy successor in Blade Runner 2049.

The cult classic Blade Runner is arguable one of the most influential films in cinema. It has inspired countless directors and movies, and is studied extensively in film schools. Making a sequel to such a film is a risky venture, but I was delighted to find that Villeneuve delivered a worthy successor in Blade Runner 2049. Villeneuve effectively captures the mood and aesthetic of Blade Runner through the stunning cinematography of Roger Deakins (hopefully this will finally earn him a much deserved Oscar for best cinematography), and evocative score of Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer. Villaneuve follows and builds on the themes of the original film without retreading. Villaneuve extracts superb performances from all his actors with Harrison Ford giving one of his best performances ever.

Villeneuve effectively captures the mood and aesthetic of Blade Runner through the stunning cinematography of Roger Deakins (hopefully this will finally earn him a much deserved Oscar for best cinematography), and evocative score of Benjamin Wallfisch and Hans Zimmer. Villaneuve follows and builds on the themes of the original film without retreading. Villaneuve extracts superb performances from all his actors with Harrison Ford giving one of his best performances ever.

It is refreshing for a director to take long cuts, and to linger the camera on the actors and scenes, but there are places where the movie could be tightened up for a shorter run time. Blade Runner is rated R for some strong language, violence, and some unnecessary nudity.

Blade Runner 2049 is an excellent film. It is meant to be seen on the biggest screen one can find. It is as good as the original, and some could argue that it surpasses its predecessor. I recommend it to those who enjoy thoughtful and original sci-fi films.

Spoilers follow….

There are so many ways one could go in discussing the deep philosophical and thematic currents of Blade Runner 2049. What is a soul? What does it mean to be human? What does it mean to be free? These are just some of the questions raised and explored in Blade Runner. Blade Runner does not provide trite solutions to such difficult problems. It invokes without answering in full. The most compelling question raised in Blade Runner revolves around the simple question, “what is real?”

This theme is pops up constantly in the dialogue. “We’re all just looking out for something real;” “I have memories, but I can’t tell if they’re real;” “It’s real. Someone lived this;” “is he real? I don’t know, ask him;” “I know what’s real.” The noetic effects of the fall are painted all over the screen. One cannot always be sure who is human or replicant (thankfully 2049 leaves open whether Deckard is or not). K cannot even trust his own memories, because they could have been manufactured and implanted. K at one point comes to believe that he is one person, only to later find out he is not who he thinks he is.

Worldviews present descriptions about the nature of reality. They make truth claims over what is real and what is not. In different ways Blade Runner 2049 ask us what does it mean to be human, what is the soul, what is right and wrong, and what is love? It displays a deep longing for real true loving relationships. I submit that other worldviews give bad answers to these fundamental questions, but in Christianity we find the fullest, richest, most accurate picture of reality.

We find a world in which there is objective truth, goodness, and beauty. It does not hide from evil nor deny its existence, but instead confronts evil. Christianity demands justice for evils committed, but desires mercy and grace for the weak and repentant. It affirms the soul and intrinsic worth of every person’s life. It revels in the awe of the grandeur of the natural world. It longs for restoration and reconciliation. Christianity puts all its hopes in a historic fact of a resurrection. It tells us that there is more to life than just this. Christianity answers all of these questions in the person of Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life; the image of the invisible God; the radiance of God’s glory and the exact expression of his nature.

In asking the question, what is real, we express our longing to know who we can trust. K could not trust his own memories. He found more real connection with a hologram than with people. He questioned whether a dog was real or not. Blade Runner 2049 pushes us to ask who or what can we trust. Christianity answers that in Jesus we find the ultimate trustworthy one who will never lie. The enemy comes to deceive, but Jesus is the light who reveals all truth. In him we discover what is real.

“In asking the question, what is real, we express our longing to know who we can trust. The enemy comes to deceive, but Jesus is the light who reveals all truth. In him we discover what is real.”


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Overcoming the Horror of It

A good horror movie has value because it reveals something about the nature of humanity. They expose deep-seated fears, and provide a canvas for exploring the nature of evil. They accept that at a fundamental level evil does exist. Pennywise is true evil. There are no moral relativists in a horror film.

Last weekend experienced a surprising box office phenomenon with the move It, which made $123 million dollars in its opening weekend! It had the highest opening for any horror film ever. If It had opened during the summer it would’ve already become the tenth highest grossing film of the summer. No one could have predicted the wild success of It.

Warning: It should be noted that It is rated a hard R. The kids in the movie often use strong language, and make crude jokes. There are moments of strong gore, and intense horror sequences. It is definitely not appropriate for children. This movie is not for everyone, but Christians should be aware of this film because of its huge appeal in modern culture.

I personally loved this film. It will probably go down as one of my favorite horror movies of all time. The movie is surprisingly hilarious with whip-sharp dialogue. The casting director deserves an award, for perfectly casting each and every child actor who all give fantastic, believable performances. Bill Skarsgård is otherworldly terrifying as Pennywise. The score is wonderfully nuanced. The director creates a tense mood of dread. It is a tense and psychologically terrifying film, though it does include some effective jump scares. Most importantly, It is a well told story with meaningful themes and character arcs. I would recommend It to any Stephen King fan, any horror movie fan, or fans of good films in general, who are not bothered by language or intense sequences.

Spoilers follow….

The movie It would be better understood as a fantasy allegory exploring themes of becoming an adult, childhood abuse and trauma, courage, love, and friendship. Pennywise is a shape-shifting monster that feeds on the fears and flesh of children. Pennywise seemingly is able to peer into the souls of children to discover their deepest fears. He then either shape-shifts into that fear or is able to produce a psychological effect on the children where they see whatever horror he has concocted. In this way, Pennywise is the embodiment of fear. Pennywise gleefully toys with the children’s emotions and fears.

Bill, stalwart leader of the Losers, is traumatized by the grief of his missing younger brother, Georgie. Pennywise preys upon Bill’s grief and sense of responsibility for Georgie. Beverly, the tough but kind girl of the group, is traumatized by her abusive father and the fear of entering womanhood. Wise-cracking Richie, is afraid of clowns and going missing himself. The courageous Mike is traumatized by the death of his parents due to fire. The practical Stanley is afraid of a creepy painting in his father’s study. Smart and sensitive Ben, is afraid of dead children and hypochondriac Eddie is a real germaphobe. All of these fears feel real. I left the film wondering what shape Pennywise would take to terrify me. What am I truly afraid of?

A good horror movie has value because it reveals something about the nature of humanity. They expose deep-seated fears, and provide a canvas for exploring the nature of evil. They accept that at a fundamental level evil does exist. Pennywise is true evil. There are no moral relativists in a horror film.

My favorite scene in It occurs directly after the Losers defeat Pennywise. Bill finds Georgie’s jacket. He breaks down weeping. The other children gather around Bill, embracing him in friendship and love. This touching scene displays the greatest strength and lesson of It, friendship. It is only through the power of friendship and love that they are able to overcome their worst fears and overcome Pennywise.

This movie displays that in community we can overcome many great evils. I was reminded again, that Jesus has called his people to be together. We are commanded to not forsake the gathering of ourselves together; to bear each other’s burdens. We cannot go it alone. The Christian faith is meant to be walked in community. We are at our greatest when we are together. In Christian community we can be a light that holds back the dark. In the face an evil world we have the hope of a savior who will one day vanquish all evil. It reminds us that the world is currently wicked, but also prompts us to look to the Light that has overcome the world.

“Good horror movies accept that at a fundamental level evil does exist. There are no moral relativists in a horror film.”


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Netflix’s Defenders: Season 1 Review

On August 18th Netflix released their newest Marvel Superhero series, The Defenders. The Defenders brings together Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist

On August 18th Netflix released their newest Marvel Superhero series, The Defenders. The Defenders brings together Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, and Iron Fist, who have all had their own shows previously. While not perfect, the Defenders is still an extremely fun and satisfying series. There is a strong chemistry between the principal cast. Charlie Cox in particular gives a strong performance as Matt Murdock, Daredevil. He is responsible for much of the emotional heavy lifting in the series. Sigourney Weaver gives a fun turn as Alexandra, the sinister leader of the evil Hand organization.

The Defenders has a wonderfully diverse cast of characters. It features Irish Catholics, African Americans from Harlem, a rich white man raised by Asian monks, and capable white, Asian, Puerto Rican and African American women. It showcases the difference in experiences, personalities, abilities, and motivations of the heroes. The diversity of the characters is a major asset to the series and makes you wonder why more shows and movies in Hollywood do not feature cast this diverse. Especially well done in the first couple episodes is the use of different music and color schemes to frame each hero. Daredevil is always framed in red, Cage in yellow, Jones in bluish purple, Iron Fist in green, Alexandra in white. It made for a series that really felt like a comic book. I really enjoyed The Defenders and recommend it highly.


Spoilers ahead…


Confession: Daredevil is one of my favorite superheroes. He probably ranks only behind Spider-Man and Superman. Particularly important to Daredevil is his Irish Catholic Faith. This defines his character. He does not kill because he believes murder is wrong. It drives him to do what is right, to defend the weak and fight injustice both in the court room and in the streets. One of my favorite scenes appears in the first episode. Matt Murdock goes to confession. While in the booth the priest tells Matt to open his heart to God to which Matt responds “even if it is a broken heart?” The priest responds especially if it is a broken heart, so that God can come in and heal it.

In a sense I feel this explains the Defenders as a whole. They are all broken people with extraordinary powers suffering from an identity crisis. Murdock is in emotional turmoil after failing to save the woman he loves. He is trying to decide if he is Daredevil, a lawyer, or both? Jessica Jones is suffering from trauma and abuse, has a drinking problem and self-destructive tendencies. She is so adrift she is not even running her detective agency. Luke Cage is a former inmate trying to figure out how to do the right thing to protect his neighborhood. Iron Fist is an orphan raised by monks, who is searching for a family, and struggling with his destiny. They are all struggling to find their role and story in the greater narrative of the world. What is their place? Where do they belong? What is their purpose?

The Defenders are all street-level low-powered heroes who get wrapped up in events way above their heads. Even in their brokenness they seek to do what is right. They take a stand against evil forces much stronger than themselves, even though they know they are not really capable of beating them. This connects the viewer to the characters. In their struggles and story we see our own. We too ask ourselves, what is our role? What is our purpose? What is our story?

In another telling scene, Colleen Wing, Iron Fist”s love interest and skilled warrior, has her own identity crisis. Colleen had at one point been part of the cult, the Hand. She had joined because she was looking for a place to belong, for a family, for purpose and meaning in her life. Now that she has broken away from the Hand her life feels lost. She cannot see where her life is going. She does not know what her role is. She is searching for her meaning in the story. In the show another character tells Colleen to look to herself; that Colleen is a foundation. Defenders wrongly places meaning and purpose as something to be made by the individual. This exchange, however, highlights that meaning and purpose are not in ourselves. This is why Colleen is searching for meaning and purpose. In that moment I wish Daredevil or his priest would’ve been there to point her to the reality that true meaning and purpose come from God. Faith in Christ gives meaning to our lives.

At one point in the series a character confronts Matt Murdock, asking him what happened, he was so close to not being Daredevil any more. Murdock replies “I am Daredevil.” At this point Murdock has accepted God’s role for him to play. He has his powers for a reason. He is meant to use them for good, to fight injustice and protect the innocent. With accepting his role Matt Murdock receives clarity, and rises to become the real leader of the Defenders. In the same manner we as believers are called to recognize the purposes God has for us. He shows us our place in his great story. As Ephesians 2:10 tells us, God has good works for us to do that has planned for us. When we accept the roles God has given us, he enable us to do this good works.

One of the more fascinating themes in the series relates to the villains. The story of Weaver’s Alexandra and the rest of the Hand is all too familiar. They are afraid of death and are seeking immortality. Their fear of dying drives them to do all manner of evil deeds to preserve their power and lives. Their narrative is driven by their fear of death. The Hand recognize rightly that death is the enemy of us all, but in their desire to save their lives, they forfeit their souls.

I could not help but think of Matthew 16:25, “Whoever desires to save their life will lose it, but whoever will lose their life for my sake will find it.” Members of the Hand desire to save their lives at whatever cost. In doing so they ultimately lose their humanity, their souls, and their actual lives. The Defenders however, are willing to sacrifice their lives for what is good and right. Matt Murdock specifically in his love of Elektra is willing to sacrifice his life to redeem her soul. In being willing to give up their lives for what is right their lives take on true meaning. Their broken lives and hearts begin to be mended. In the final moments of the series we see all the characters accepting their roles. Cage, Iron Fist, and Jones are all in a better place than they were before. They now know their purpose.

Our purpose in life is more than mere existence. We are called to something greater. We are called to an intimate relationship with the creator of the universe. Those who give their lives to Christ will find true purpose and meaning. In Jesus Christ we find our true identity as sons and daughters of the Father. Through Christ we are invited to join our stories to the greater overarching narrative of the Father. Our loving Father calls us to take up our roles in his great story and by accepting our roles we have hope that our story will reach a final happy end. We have purpose because we are children of God, called by God, to be used for his great purposes. Our story is made complete in him.

“Our purpose in life is more than mere existence. We are called to something greater. We are called to an intimate relationship with the creator of the universe. “


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